If you are new to Ruby, you should completely remove (through thepackage manager, e.g. sudo apt-get remove packagename) all existingRuby and asciidoctor infrastructure on your machine before trying to uservm or rbenv for the first time.dpkg -l | egrep 'asciidoctor|ruby|rbenv|rvm' will give you a list ofcandidate package names to remove.
If you already have a favorite Ruby package manager, ignore thisadvice, and just install the required OS packages and gems.
In addition, rvm and rbenv are mutually incompatible.They both rely on inserting shims and $PATH modifications in your bashshell.If you already have one of these installed and are familiar with it,it’s best to stay with that one.One of the editors, who is new to Ruby, found rbenv far morecomprehensible than rvm.The other editor likes rvm better.
Neither rvm nor rbenv work, out of the box, when invoked fromnon-Bash shells like tcsh.This can be hacked up by setting the right environment variables andPATH additions based on a bash environment.
Most of the tools on Bash for Windows are quite happy with Windows lineendings (CR LF), but bash scripts expect Unix line endings (LF).The file .gitattributes at the top of the vulkan tree in the 1.0branch forces such scripts to be checked out with the proper lineendings on non-Linux platforms.If you add new scripts whose names don’t end in .sh, they should beincluded in .gitattributes as well.